Advanced protection against malware, viruses, phishing, and hackers
UNIVERGE BLUE ensures a commitment to security by meeting stringent industry standards, such as HIPAA for medical records, CPNI to protect user information, PCI-DSS to protect credit card information, and SOC II audit to demonstrate our controls and processes are effective in minimizing risk and exposure to cloud-stored data.
UNIVERGE BLUE CONNECT is hosted in geographically dispersed, highly secure, and monitored datacenters by top-tier certified providers. Each data center is SSAE 16 Type II compliant with verified levels of physical security.
Each of NEC's world-class data centers adheres to strict standards in physical security. Each data center is closely monitored and guarded 24/7/365 with sophisticated pan/tilt closed-circuit TVs. Secure access is strictly enforced using the latest technology, including electronic man-trap devices between lobby and datacenter, motion sensors, and controlled ID keycards. Security guards are stationed at the entrance to each site.
Confidential conversations and shared proprietary presentations remain safe as UNIVERGE BLUE collaborative cloud solutions operate on highly secure cloud platforms backed by AES industry-standard encryption.
Voice, Presence, & UC offers a flexible, multi-tenant, feature-rich, encrypted approach to communicating and collaborating, backed by round-the-clock customer support and system monitoring.
Data retention and archiving based on customized recovery points and preset recovery times make use of two highly secure, compliant, and energy-efficient data centers to store and protect hosted data and assets.
The Desktop and Mobile Apps from UNIVERGE BLUE allow users to use their CONNECT business phone system while working remotely or while on the go. These apps require a login and password and also require 2-factor authentication for access.
Advanced protection against malware, viruses, phishing, and hackers
24/7 support from live experts EVERY time you call
Built to help healthcare, legal services and financial firms stay compliant
Ready when you are, whether you’re in the office or working remotely
30+ integrated apps that are easy to add as your business grows