Partner Success Stories
Discover what our Channel Partners are saying about the success they have with selling NEC’S UNIVERGE BLUE and learn how we can help you be the next success story.
Channel Partner Testimonials


Voice & Data


Learn how UNIVERGE BLUE has proven to be crucial for Benecom, with their growth coming from both on-premises and cloud-hosted solutions.
The Reliability of UNIVERGE BLUE Cloud Solutions and Customer Service Pave a Pathway of Growth.
Learn why MDCOM, a long-time NEC hardware provider, decided to partner with NEC and offer UNIVERGE BLUE CLOUD SERVICES to customers.
Learn how the UNIVERGE BLUE Channel Partner Program has allowed Folkerson Communications to take control of their customer relationships and expand into other areas of their business.
Learn how DTC has been able to win new business and meet the needs of customers with UNIVERGE BLUE.
Learn how UNIVERGE BLUE BACKUP & RECOVER created a new business opportunity for Communique.
Learn how UNIVERGE BLUE was unique in allowing Forerunner Technologies to better control and service the end-user experience while keeping costs in line for their business.